Sunday, 15 January 2012

Scrutinising Serbia

During our time in Croatia and Bosnia we were told that Serbia was the badass of the Balkans – the country that starts all of the wars. We were very intrigued by this. Was Serbia really the dastardly villain that it had been depicted as, dressed entirely in black, with a disfiguring scar on one cheek and an eye patch?

Curiously the museums that we visited in Belgrade did not have any information to do with the Balkan troubles and the people that we met did not speak of it. Perhaps the memories of life under Slobodan Milosevic are still too painful to exhibit. Or perhaps we just looked in the wrong places in our mere five days there.

Serbia seems to be a good place now though. We found Belgrade to be a delightful, fun and surprisingly prosperous city with kind people, scary traffic, beautiful boulevards, lavish public spaces, interesting electricity, plenty to see and do and amazing Turkish-influenced cuisine - we had a blast.

This is what we were expecting from Serbia, more guns than the wild west, and in some ways we got it - the war museum in Belgrade has seemingly endless corridors of every weapon you can imagine from WWI & II. Strangely there was very little in the 90's section, just some vague references to peace keeping... hmmm

Outside of the war museum Belgrade was a striking city.

With some pretty cute inhabitants...

Unfortunately SpongeBob  was not welcome

Parkour has even caught on in Serbia, trust James Bond to trigger a worldwide sensation...

Speaking of catching on... I'm surprised more things didn't catch on fire in Tessla's lab. That guy had brain the size of Einstein's and balls to match! (refer the old picture with Tessla sitting calmly in the background)

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